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Adventure Revolution: The Life-Changing Power of Choosing Challenge - Belinda Kirk

Adventure Revolution: The Life-Changing Power of Choosing Challenge - Belinda Kirk

Belinda Kirk

Regular price £17.00
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Adventures come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, just like people. Some are fun at the time, some are only fun in retrospect, and a few are the dreaded 'Type 3' i.e. not fun at all. But they all make an impact, and sometimes that can be genuinely life changing. In her book, Belinda Kirk argues that adventure is not only good for, but essential, to the soul.

From the back cover:

For the past twenty-five years, Belinda Kirk's professional life has revolved around adventure. She's seen it change people first hand: turning the timid into the confident, the addicted into the recovering, and the lost into the intentionally wandering. As a force for change, adventure can be powerful like few others.

This book is about this transformational power, and the first to explore why adventure is essential to our wellbeing. From managing anxiety and overcoming fear, to finding self-worth and building interpersonal connections, to being happier, healthier, and more playful, ADVENTURE REVOLUTION draws lessons from more than two decades of experience leading groups into the wilderness around the globe. Illuminated with Belinda's personal narrative, her own research with modern hunter-gatherers, and the latest findings in neuroscience and behaviour, ADVENTURE REVOLUTION presents a compelling case for ditching the living room in favour of a longer, happier, and more adventurous life.


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  • Telling women's stories

    You can't be what you can't see. We hope that reading about women's adventures will inspire more women to explore the edges of their comfort zones. You don't need a beard to climb a mountain or cross an ice cap!

  • Supporting female authors

    The 'adventure' bookshelf is often dominated by books about and by male climbers and explorers. We aim to raise the profile of books written from a broader range of perspectives, especially female authors.

  • Female specific advice

    There is much less research and training advice tailored to female specific physiology, but this is changing. We aim to help re-balance the gender disparity and highlight the advances in this field.