Collection: The Bookshelf

It can sometimes feel like there aren't many books featuring women in the mountaineering/adventure travel sections. So we decided to create our ideal bookshelf, one filled with titles by women or about women. They say you can't be what you can't see; so prepare to be inspired!

  • Telling women's stories

    We hope that reading about women's adventures will inspire more women to explore the edges of their comfort zones. Here's proof you don't need a beard to climb a mountain or cross an ice cap!

  • Supporting female authors

    The 'adventure' bookshelf is often filled with books by male climbers and explorers. We aim to raise the profile of books written from a broader range of perspectives, especially female authors.

  • Female-specific advice

    There is much less research and training advice tailored to female specific physiology, but this is changing. We aim to help re-balance the gender disparity and highlight the advances in this field.