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Tough Women Adventure Stories: Stories of Grit, Courage and Determination - Jenny Tough

Tough Women Adventure Stories: Stories of Grit, Courage and Determination - Jenny Tough

Jenny Tough

Regular price £10.00
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This anthology of women's adventure stories collated by Jenny Tough (yes, her real name - which she definitely lives up to!) is such a refreshing departure from the norm. No macho, testosterone-fuelled conquering of giants found here, but an equally awe inspiring collection of women who have dared to do things most people would write off as too dangerous, or just plain crazy. 

From the back cover:

It's time we celebrated women in adventure. What does "toughness" mean to you? Perhaps it's being physically fit and mentally resilient. Perhaps it's doing something no one else has done before. Perhaps it's breaking down boundaries and proving what you can do, in spite of the naysayers.

Perhaps it's travelling alone, immersing yourself in new cultures and meeting new people. Perhaps it's running ultramarathons in the blistering heat and beating the competition. Perhaps it's conquering your fears.

The badass adventurers in this collection are all fearless, intelligent, compassionate and curious about the world - and they all happen to be female. From endurance obstacle races to arctic expeditions, from mountain climbing to wingsuit flying, from horse trekking to swimming the English Channel, they have set the bar high for what women are capable of. Let yourself be inspired by their stories of grit, courage, determination, triumph and heartbreak - you never know, it might lead to something incredible!



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  • Telling women's stories

    You can't be what you can't see. We hope that reading about women's adventures will inspire more women to explore the edges of their comfort zones. You don't need a beard to climb a mountain or cross an ice cap!

  • Supporting female authors

    The 'adventure' bookshelf is often dominated by books about and by male climbers and explorers. We aim to raise the profile of books written from a broader range of perspectives, especially female authors.

  • Female specific advice

    There is much less research and training advice tailored to female specific physiology, but this is changing. We aim to help re-balance the gender disparity and highlight the advances in this field.